About Me

I'm Cyd, a teenager from East Yorkshire. Currently an A-Level student studying Media, Financial Studies and BTEC Science. I frequently get asked questions about how I do my make-up, veganism and my life in general so I thought, why not create a blog as it's an easy way to communicate with anyone who's interested in me and the things I do.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

My Highlighting Routine!

Another thing I get frequent questions on is how I do my highlight, and what products I use. 3 weeks ago I posted a selfie to Instagram only to receive multiple questions on how I get my highlighter so bright and "glowy". So I thought the best way to go about this would be to write a blog post, this way it saves me time as I only have to write it once and will also be an easy guide for people who are interested to follow. The selfie I posted is this one below. As you can see, the light hits my cheeks and makes them appear glowing. This blog post is going to feature a step by step guide on how I achieved that look and the products I used!

Step 1. I always make sure I have a clean face before I put anything on it.

Step 2. I then moisturise using my Simple Kind to Skin Hydrating Moisturiser. I apply this with my clean fingers in upwards circular motions on my face.

Step 3. I then apply my Benefit Highbeam to the high points of my face (cheek bones, bridge of my nose, chin, cupids bow and above my eyebrows).

Step 4. I then apply my foundation etc (I haven't done my full make up on this as this post is for my highlight routine as the title suggests).  I then apply my Benefit Girl Meets Pearl to the same high points, again blending it in with my beauty blender.

Step 5. I spray my brush with MAC Fix+ and swirl it in my MAC Soft&Gentle, I apply this to the same high points again. I then take some on my ring finger and put this on the end had of my brow bone and the inner corners of my eyes.

I hope this was useful and has answered the majority of the questions I got about my highlight. The pictures of the products are below here. A full everyday make up routine will be coming soon! Thanks for reading.

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