About Me

I'm Cyd, a teenager from East Yorkshire. Currently an A-Level student studying Media, Financial Studies and BTEC Science. I frequently get asked questions about how I do my make-up, veganism and my life in general so I thought, why not create a blog as it's an easy way to communicate with anyone who's interested in me and the things I do.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

16 Things I've Learnt at 16!

I've decided to share 16 life lessons that I have leant so far..

1. Listen to your parents because 97% of the time the things they're telling you to do/not to do are right or for good reason. Obviously I've learnt this one the hard way from being stubborn, but at the end of the day you're parents (or mine anyway) only want the best for you and don't want anything bad to happen. For example the time I was told not to pierce my own ears because it will get infected, what happened? They all got infected. Or when my mum would tell me not to be friends with someone because they're bad news, she's been right every single time!

2. Don't wait around for people. If that person really wants to be your friend you shouldn't have to be stressing about when they're going to reply or if they're going to reply. This brings me on to my next realisation.

3. Your true friends mean everything. You should really value then and take them into consideration because when all else fails, they're going to be the ones who love and support you!

4. No matter what you do and how good you think it is, there's always going to be atleast one person who will disagree with you and have something bad to say, but that's just life.

5. It's okay to be sad, it's okay to cry. Just make sure afterwards you're back up on your feet and living your life to the fullest. Everyone is sad at some point in their lives and crying is not you being weak.

6. Do not let social media take over your full life. It's a nice hobby, a good way for keeping in touch with your friends and keeping up with celebs and latest trends but don't let your self get addicted to it! Turn your phone off and go out or read a book.

7. Confidence is key. Even if you're not confident just pretend you are and it will come because people look for weaknesses in you and if you put on a confident front then more people will want to be around you etc.

8. Treat your body right! Don't engage in harmful activities, exercise and make sure you get enough sleep. Your body will love you for it. After all, your body is the thing that supports you 100% of the time and is always there for you and does amazing things. It heals you, fights off illnesses, assists you everywhere you go. Don't abuse it.

9. Eat right, fill your body with good whole foods. Eat enough and regularly and make sure you're eating enough carbs. It's okay to have take aways and rich fatty foods but don't do that all the time as you'll feel lethargic and sluggish and won't want to do anything. Make sure you're drinking enough water as well.

10. School isn't the be all end all. If you're popular at school it doesn't secure you a job or a good future, same as your grades. Good grades don't always mean success, as long as you're doing what you love and keeping up with it then good things will come to you no matter what happens.

11. Get rid of negative people from your life. All they do is bring you down and their negativity rubs off on you. If people are being negative online, block them. If they're negative around you just try to phase them out your life because they're not doing you any good. Same as if people are making you feel negative and constantly putting you down just remove them from your life. Also if you find yourself being negative towards someone else, just stop and think if you'd like the same thing to happen to you!

12. Find the difference between being inspired by someone and being jealous of someone. When you're inspired you feel happy about looking at that person whereas jealousy is when you're comparing yourself to that person wishing you were them or you could have their body and it makes you sad. If it makes you sad scrolling through someones instagram just unfollow them because it's only going to impact your life negatively.

13. Coconut oil is everything. Dry skin, dry hair, toothpaste, cooking, cleaning coconut oil does the lot. You need coconut oil in your life.

14. Make sure you moisturise. Your skin will thank you! Do your face, body, hands and feet regularly as it's getting warmer your skin dries up. It's just as important in the colder months as well as the cold can really harm your skin.

15. Don't follow the crowd if you don't agree. Don't pretend to like/dislike someone or something just because everyone else does, be your own person and more importantly be honest to yourself.

16. Finally, do whatever makes you happy! At the end of the day it's your life and you only need to make yourself happy, not that boy you like, not the girls who always look down on you. Just you, if you feel happy and confident with what you're doing then carry on doing it because that's all that matters!

Thanks for reading!

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