One thing that frustrates me more than people consuming animal products is the people that consume animal products and have a problem with people being vegan? When you're a vegan or you at least eat a plant based diet, you're living a cruelty free life style of abundance and endless choices. Also, people who are against China and places like that for eating dog, or were disgusted by the horse meat scandal irritate me. You'd eat their friends but think eating them is disgusting, why? It's exactly the same concept. By eating any meat, you're supporting murder. By consuming dairy, you're supporting rape. By wearing animals and using them for sport, entertainment and money, you're supporting exploitation. If you don't find the picture below mouth watering and appetising, chances are you're not meant to be consuming meat.
Problem with the industries :
Poultry have it worst, they've been genetically modified so much that sometimes their breasts get so large they end up crippled and disabled as their tiny legs can't support their weight. Forced to eat and sleep in their own excrement while they live a horrible life of torture for 8 months before they go to slaughter where they're hung upside side down, have their throats slit then are dragged through scalding water to get rid of their feathers, this is a small fragment of their life as for example the average chicken lives for about 10 years but some have even lived over 20! Why would anyone want to cut this life short? No one in the right mind set condones murder of 8 month old babies, 8 month old dogs, 8 month old bunnies so why are chickens any different? Don't be fooled by free range either, to be free range the chickens only need a certain amount of space, this could still be in a shed. These "happy" free range birds may never set foot outside in their short horrible life. The chicks are debeaked with no anaesthetic, male chicks either dropped straight into a grinder alive, suffocated or boiled. This is not acceptable.
Cattle also live a life of immense pain and torture. Some cows are bread to be killed, other cows have been dairy cows which are sent to slaughter after they can't produce enough milk anymore. The average life of a meat cow is 5 years, this is a fifth of their average natural life (25 years). These poor cows are beaten, electrocuted and abused in their mere 5 years of life. Then they're sent of to slaughter. And just because something is Kosher doesn't mean to say it is. Undercover investigations at Kosher farms have found that these animals are not killed Kosher, they're killed just the same as any other cow at any other slaughter house.
Pigs also have a horrendous life. Stored in metal cages which aren't big enough for them to turn around in, once again these pigs are left to sleep and eat in their own excrement. These farms are full of diseases and infection. The "useless" animals are just killed there and then. These poor pigs can hardly walk, these pigs live from 4 months - 1 year depending on what meat they're intended for. The average pig lives about 10 years. These poor pigs have their tails clipped and private parts ripped off once again with no anaesthetic. How anyone can think this is acceptable?
Sheep, lambs and goats live a tough life too. Babies ripped away from their mothers within weeks purely so humans can consume them with a roast dinner. How can anyone want to eat another mothers baby? You would't eat a human baby and you wouldn't eat a puppy so why would you eat a lamb?
Before anyone says "But humans are top of the food chain", are we hell! Have you seen a lions teeth? Can your teeth rip in to the flesh of a live animal? Can you chew and fully digest raw flesh dripping with blood? Can you chase down your desired meal, catch it and eat it with out the use of transport, weapons or cutlery? No you can't. Humans aren't made for meat consumption, our intestines are 6 times as long as our bodies while lion's intestines are only the length of their body. Why do you think obesity levels around the world are rising? You don't see obese lions in the wild, this is because lions are eating what they're meant to. Humans are not meant to eat animal products, our bodies find it hard to digest and the saturated fat clogs up our arteries. Who's ever heard of an obese vegan or a vegan who suffered a heart attack??
The dairy cows are mistreated so badly. First the female cows are artificially inseminated (raped) multiple times. Then within 12 hours of the mother cow giving birth her baby is stolen from her (kidnapped) just so we can drink their milk. Baring in mind this milk contains so many hormones and pus, which is what the baby cow needs to help it grown into a huge 400lbs cow. Obviously by consuming this it's going to make you fat too, thats what dairy does. What does breast milk do for babies? It makes them grown. You wouldn't make a human woman pregnant multiple times, take her baby away and then drink her milk so why do you need to do it to cows? And the fait of the calf is dependant on sex. If the cow is female then when its 6 months old the rape and kidnapping life for this cow begins, it has to survive 5 years of constant pregnancy until it's deemed "dry" and sent off for slaughter. The male calf's have it much worse, they live a pathetic 3 months before they're slaughtered for veal.
The chickens are debeaked when they're chicks, locked up in tiny sheds where they may never see daylight and forced to lay eggs, while in cramped conditions often sat on top or below other chickens majority of the time in wire cages, when they stop they're either sent to slaughter or killed by having their necks snapped. As you can imagine sometimes this doesn't work so the poor chickens are left half dead with a half broken neck, on the floor to die. Also the fact that eggs are periods, they're the unfertilised egg released by a chicken in their menstrual cycle. It's obviously not normal in society to eat your own period let alone your friends so why then would you want to eat another animals period?
It well and truly baffles me how anyone can say that being vegan is "extreme" and "ridiculous" because in reality vegans are saving the planet every day. Cow farming contributes to around 70% of global warming. If we reduced transport global warming would decrease by less than 0.5%.
Also by not consuming animals world hunger would be solved as well as the worlds water shortage. Live stock consume tonnes and tonnes of grains which could be consumed by the starving people who have no food, put it this way to obtain one lb of beef it take 25 gallons of water, which once again would be much more appreciated by an extremely thirsty human living with no water. It's stupid.
May I add that protein is not a problem, or iron or any other macro other than b12 which can only be obtained by consuming meat, however it doesn't derive from meat, it comes from the soil which the meat animals eat and can be taken as a supplement and is also found in nutritional yeast.
I had to put all of this out there as everyday I get stick for being a vegan, usually from extremely uneducated meat eaters who have turned a blind eye to this, or even ones who know about it and claim to support animal rights. Don't support animal rights and be against animal testing if you're going to carry on eating them, it's the most hypercritical nonsense I have ever heard. Watch Earthings, 101 Reasons to be Vegan (aka The best speech you will ever hear), Forks over Knifes, Cowspiracy, Veducated. All these documentaries will make any human will feelings reconsider their life choices. Don't be one to contributing to this cruelty and suffering and go vegan!!
Cydney, my dear,
ReplyDeleteHave you ever been to a farm? I bet there are some producers in your area that would be happy to let you take a tour and ask some questions. I was raised on a farm and we took the best care of our animals, but at the end of the day, they were still going to be food. There is no way to paint the picture of slaughter as a happy ending to a fulfilling life, but it is done as humanely as possible. Visit some local farms and ask questions! There are important reasons behind production methods (and most are for animal well-being) that farmers would be happy to explain.
Hi, I have been to quite a few farms, my best friend lives on one. At the end of the day there is no humane way to murder an animal and quite frankly our bodies don't need to consume animal products to be healthy. Thank you for taking the time to read an comment, but I do not agree with farming for food in general!